Feb 29·edited Feb 29Liked by Pimlico Journal

So are you Albanian then? I presumed you were White British.

I do have a fondness for Albanians, particularly Albanian women. I knew a fair few when I went to college in Woking, they were beautiful, sassy, tough, and EXTREMELY patriotic, qualities I wish more British women would have.

Yes, we really do need to start separating white and non-white immigration. It has led to the post-Brexit surge in immigration from the Third World.

I must say, I like Dua Lipa even though she’s Woke. Her songs are good and she’s hot.

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You are wrong about Emperor Constantine, he was a Yorkshireman as any file kno…

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A lot of ethnonarcissistic schizophrenia here...

You seem to want to have your cake and eat it: Albanians are ReAl WHiTe PiPo and staunch European loyalists (and most importantly BETTER THAN THE SERBS) but also...self-interested piractical amoralists who have unapologetically and with relish massacred and exploited other Europeans at the behest of their Asiatic overlords, to whose religion they only nominally converted--and that these enduring qualities should endear them to their English hosts.

Albania was unconquered for a bit longer because it was topographically harder to breach and less politically centralised than Medieval Serbia. But the Serbs of Montenegro and the Greeks of the Mani (also mostly mountainous areas) were *never* conquered and *never* converted to Islam. The still-Christian Serbs proper never stopped rebelling either. Where does that leave the now mostly Muslim Albanians in the ranking of Most European Balkanoids™?

After the adoption of their new religion, the Albanians partook most heartily in Ottoman activities in the dar al-harb. You cite the (forced) involvement of Serbs in the fall of Constantinople, but certainly there is no Serbian equivalent to voluntary Albanian savagery in the suppression of the Orlov Rising, for example.

You want to claim Barbarossa as an Albanian? Alright then--I thought he was Greek--but I can't imagine why, if your objective is to demonstrate that Albanians are proper Europeans and the best of the Balkanoids. Barbarossa was an implacable foe of Europe and a ruthless slaver.

As for Albanians in the present...

"You will have read articles about Albanian sex trafficking, but it is just this: Romani sex workers posing as Albanians because Albania has the strictest prostitution laws in Europe, where escorts can receive a three-year sentence just for working; Albanian fathers will shoot their progeny before they let them work as escorts."

I doubt anybody who knows anything about Albania thinks that Albanians are trafficking *Albanian* women. Albanian gangs trafficking non-Albanian women is a real thing though.

"Suella Braverman put us in the limelight when she denounced the sea-faring Albanians as criminals"

But they are criminals, at the very least in the sense that they are illegal immigrants.

"I’ve had Romani and Arabs tell me they were Albanian...Albanians have the lowest asylum acceptance rates, at just 2%, and 79% withdraw their applications before processing"

What are you trying to say? Are there lots of illegal Albanian immigrants, who are *real* Albanians, or are there not? If they're so unsuccessful in being granted asylum, why would non-Albanians claim to be Albanian? (If they really are doing so, this may be the first and only time in history that anybody has found pretending to be an Albanian desirable--no offence.)

Other claims are either equally dubious or factual (I guess) but unflattering: Albanians are apolitical (low civic engagement! Hoorah!); you could import them all to Britain and...there would still be fewer of them than there are other antisocial immigrants(?!); Albanians 'leave no imprint' on British society (I guess this is true, in the sense that ethnic criminal gangs operate under the skin of society) etc etc.

The overall impression I get from reading this piece is that the Albanians, an authentic and ancient European race, are an endogamous and extremely ethnocentric people with a commensurately strong 'amoral familist' attitude to outsiders and weak religious commitments--which is exactly the way I thought of them *before* reading it. What I don't see is any upside to Albanian immigration, other than...they're white and not wholly or genuinely Muslim (but anybody who's not Albanian is outside their moral frame). Why, then, would anybody who is not Albanian want to live around them? Your article succeeds best in showing that they are the kind of people whom the English would be best advised to keep at arm's--or preferably continent's--length.

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